Cultural and Humanitarian Agents


Thursday, September 13, 2018, 6:30pm to 8:30pm


Barker Center, 12 Quincy Street, Room 211 (2nd Floor)

"A(n)esthetics and the Analgesic Museum"


Ian Koebner, Director of Integrative Pain Management; Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, University of California, Davis.

Co-sponsored by Mahindra Humanities Center.


Alen Agaronov

1 hour presentation will be followed by discussion. Event is free and open to the public. RSVP is optional via Eventbrite.


Doris Sommer, Faculty Associate; Chair, Weatherhead Initiative on Afro-Latin American Studies. Ira Jewell Williams, Jr. Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures; Professor of African and African American Studies, Department of African and African American Studies; Director, Cultural Agents Initiative, Harvard University.

Vincenzo Bollettino, Director, Resilient Communities Program, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, Harvard University.


Join us as Ian Koebner explores the role of museums as public health partners. Koebner will focus on Art Rx, an innovative collaboration between the Crocker Art Museum and the Integrative Pain Management Program at UC Davis. The seminar will draw from both fields of pain research and aesthetic philosophy to explore Koebner's latest research on museum engagement to reduce pain and social disconnection among individuals with chronic pain.