Current Research Clusters

Weatherhead Research Cluster on Migration

Building Inclusion and Sustaining Solidarity

[ Weatherhead Research Cluster on Migration Website ]

Gone are the days when most forced international migration occurred along well-charted and predictable routes. People fleeing war, violence, climate related disaster, and other threats to their lives now routinely lack any official humanitarian assistance. Instead they are forced to resort to tortuous and...

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Weatherhead Research Cluster on Comparative Inequality and Inclusion

Weatherhead Research Cluster on Comparative Inequality and Inclusion Website  ]

The Weatherhead Research Cluster on Comparative Inequality and Inclusion draws on expertise from across disciplines to gain international and comparative perspectives on how to extend cultural membership to the greatest number in society, to gain a better understanding of the social and cultural processes behind recognition gaps, and to determine how social...

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Weatherhead Research Cluster on Global History

This cluster began in 2011 as the Weatherhead Initiative on Global History, before becoming a research cluster in 2017.

[  Weatherhead Research Cluster on Global History Website  ]

Global history is one of the leading new approaches in recent years that has helped to transform the study of the past. The contemporary trends summarized under the term “globalization” have lent urgency to research that examines historical processes, networks,...

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