Solar Geoengineering: Humor & Geoengineering


Tuesday, September 17, 2019, 12:00pm to 1:00pm


Harvard University Center for the Environment, 26 Oxford Street, Room 429

"Humor & Geoengineering"


Pablo Suarez, Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre.
Bob Mankoff, CartoonCollections.


Amy Chang

Lunch is provided with RSVP to


David Keith, Faculty Associate. Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics, Harvard.

 John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences; Professor of Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School.


Humor, like geoengineering, is about the clash between what is and what could be. In this unconventional, interactive session, researcher-turned-humanitarian Pablo Suarez and illustrious cartoonist Bob Mankoff will engage participants in exploring how the power of intelligent humor can be harnessed to support learning and dialogue about difficult issues. Focusing on climate risks and the prospects of geoengineering, we will share an experience of how humor works, how it can be used and misused, and what it can do to enable fruitful discussions about tough issues.