Remembering Robert R. Bowie


Tuesday, April 15, 2014, 4:00pm to 6:00pm


CGIS Knafel Building, 1737 Cambridge Street, Bowie-Vernon Room (K262)

Robert R. Bowie

A Celebration of His Life and His Contributions to US Foreign Policy and Harvard University


Jorge I. Domínguez, Chairman, Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies. Antonio Madero Professor for the Study of Mexico, Department of Government; Vice Provost for International Affairs, Harvard University.

J. Bryan Hehir, Senior Adviser; Faculty Associate. Parker Gilbert Montgomery Professor of the Practice of Religion and Public Life, Harvard Kennedy School; Secretary for Health and Social Services, Archdiocese of Boston.

Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Senior Adviser; Faculty Associate. Harvard University Distinguished Service Professor, Harvard Kennedy School.


Karl Kaiser, Director, Program on Transatlantic Relations. Adjunct Professor of Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School.


Ann Townes

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We are grateful for the support of the Warren and Anita Manshel fund for lectures in American foreign policy.