Harvard Business School International Seminar


Thursday, February 2, 2017, 12:00pm to 1:00pm


Baker Library, 25 Harvard Way, Room 103

“The Power of Silent Voices: Employee Satisfaction and Acquirer Stock Performance” 


Sea-Jin Chang, Lim Kim San Chair Professor, National University of Singapore.


Katie Moore


Raj Choudhury, Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Technology and Operations Management Unit, Harvard Business School.


Employees are a firm’s most valuable asset. To test whether this statement is more than just rhetoric, we assemble a novel social media dataset that captures the level of employee satisfaction in S&P 500 firms and explore its relationship with stock returns in the aftermath of mergers and acquisitions. Our results show that employee satisfaction has a strong long-term positive effect on acquirer stock performance, even though its short-term effect on cumulative abnormal returns is largely insignificant. This is in contrast with previous studies wherein the external evaluations of corporate social responsibility have had significant short-term but weaker long-term effects on equity prices. Our results suggest the stock market is unable to fully incorporate the value of employee satisfaction.